Manor Farm at Merriot, near Langport on the Somerset Levels, includes within its holdings a low-lying section of pasture adjacent to the Merriot Stream. This low plateau frequently became flooded during winter, leading to the development of extensive rush pasture of little value for grazing. The farm owner approached FWAG with a proposal to develop this land into a wetland with concomitant benefits for the local wildlife.
Under the supervision of FWAG advisors, part of the land was lowered and a shallow channel opened up at the upstream end, whilst a bund was constructed at the lower end to allow water to enter from the stream during high flows and become ponded within the depression; which over time would lead to the development of a mosaic of wetland vegetation and a series of pools which would provide refugia for a suite of wetland and aquatic invertebrates from the wider landscape. Coupled with these excavations, in-channel works along the adjacent reach of the Merriot Stream were also undertaken, including the installation of flow deflectors, coir bundles, to protect certain sections of banks from erosion, and the planting of riparian willows.
Surveys were carried out of the aquatic invertebrate communities within the Merriot Stream before works commenced, accompanied by a survey of the ephemeral pools already present, to assess their value and note any species of conservation concern, and after construction of the wetland to document changes in the assemblages.
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