Freshwater invertebrate surveying techniques in both standing and running water habitats, including all current WFD compliant methodologies.
Processing and identification of freshwater invertebrate samples and the application of WHPT, BMWP, LIFE, PSI, CCI and other diversity indices. This is accompanied by a proven independent audit record (Centre for Ecology & Hydrology (CEH) and Freshwater Biological Association (FBA)).
Identification of freshwater macrophytes, bryophytes and macro-algae and appropriate surveying techniques, including MTR and LEAFPACS (WFD compliant) methodologies.
Freshwater conservation and environmental impact assessments using both flora and fauna.
Ecological assessment of polluting discharges to the aquatic environment.
River Corridor surveys.
Bio-speleological surveys (caves and mines). Primarily the collection and examination of fauna in the aquatic hypogean habitat.
Has been included in Framework Agreements with both Natural England and Scottish Natural Heritage for condition monitoring (Common Standards Monitoring) of river, open water and invertebrate SSSI designated interests.
Chartered Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management (full member)
Freshwater Biological Association
SIBIOS (Societé Internationale de Biospéologie)
British Cave Research Association
Holder of CSCS white card (Professionally Qualified Person)
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